“The transnational meeting in Croatia is coming up soon!”


SPORTISM-from the basis to inclusion!

Call for the 17th International Art Contest “Play with me” 2023-2024



Be an artist ‘Play with me’ International art contest and exhibition will be held for the seventeenth time in a row as part of the International Festival Year “Play with Me”.

International Art Contest: Be an Artist – ‘Play with me’ is part of our year- round activities, because after its opening, this exhibition travels to various locations in Slovenia and abroad.

Exhibitions are organized so that they are made by children. Among the participants of the last year’s International Art Contest, there were Kindergartens, Schools and Specialised institutions from Slovenia and abroad and 4902 artworks drawn on a paper with various techniques took part in the contest.

We invite you to send us your pupils’ artworks and participate at the International art contest which will have two topics in 2023/24:

  1. Be different *

The theme ‘Be Different’ invites you to create, showcasing what makes you unique.

Each of us is like a puzzle piece that adds color to the world. Consider what makes you special – is it your smile, imagination, or something entirely different?

How do you stand out from the rest? We can differ in various ways: we move differently, we speak differently, we think differently… Every artwork of yours will contribute to a beautiful gallery of diversity.

* The topic is related to the Sportism project, which is aimed at researching the most effective ways of teaching sports to children with autism. It strives to provide new approaches and tools to improve the quality of life of people on the autism spectrum and their families. 5 partner countries (Slovenia, Italy, Croatia, Serbia and Romania) participate in the project, which is co-financed by the European program Erasmus+ sport. Partnership promotes the exchange of good practices, methodologies and knowledge between different countries responding to common needs.

  1. Play with me

The second topic of the contest is already traditional by now: you can play alone – with yourtoys, on playgrounds, you can dance, play sports,sing, play on the computer …, you can play with a friend, classmates, parents, brother / sister, grandmother, grandfather, teacher, educator, with a puppy, cat …, you can play at home, on theplayground, on the street, meadow, in the woods,school, kindergarten.

The deadline for the online application and for submission of the artworks is Friday, December 1st, 2023.
We have invited Elementary schools, Special education institutions, Kindergartens from Slovenia as well as partners from abroad to contribute their artworks.

Terms and conditions for the participation:
– All artwork techniques on paper are allowed: format sizes must not exceed the size of a drawing paper (sizes A3)
– Artwork should not be framed.

On the back of the artwork, the following information should be:
– Written in capital letters: Name, surname and age of the artist
-Title of the artwork
– Artwork technique
– Name and surname of the mentor
– The exact name of the Institution

This information should also be entered in your online application. You can find the application at www.igrajsezmano.eu.

Each mentor should enter his or her own application, so that it is   clear who they are mentoring. If you require assistance with filling out your application, you can contact us via email bodiumetnik@igrajsezmano.si.

A special ‘Play with me’ committee will review the received artworks* and prepare them for the opening exhibition.

*The received artworks will not be returned to the authors; they will remain in the archives of the International Art Contest ‘Play with me’ and they will be designated for the exhibition and promotion of INCLUSIVE CULTURE and visual culture of young people.

Send the artwork to:

CENTER JANEZA LEVCA LJUBLJANA, Karlovška 18, 1000 Ljubljana, signed: Za Bodi umetnik – Mednarodni likovni natečaj ‘Igraj se z mano’

To help complete the application and more information:
– bodiumetnik@igrajsezmano.si
– 00386 31 459 600

The Special Education Center Janez Levec Ljubljana and the Association of Inclusive culture wish you a lot of joy and creative pleasures!


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